Our Partners
The inception of our family-run operation is unconventional to say the least. In July 2016, we launched our small roastery with one cafe client, a handful of retail customers, and a 17-year-old head roaster. At the time the team's past business experience spanned many industries, except the coffee industry. Oh, and we were coming out of the gate with a mantra of light roasted coffee and “Single Origin, Single Speed” in the dark roast dominated town of Fernie, BC. Do we sound crazy yet? " "We’ve come a long way since our early days of home roasting on the rooftop.
We love balanced coffee. When a sparkling acidity is perfectly coupled with a sweet, syrupy mouthfeel, we’ve reached coffee nirvana. Much like the unique flavours and aromas in our coffee reflect the terroir and processing imparted by the farm, our roasting style derives partly from our hometown. Fernie has played such an important role in shaping our coffee company. This lighter style of roasting was new to the area, which has long been dominated by darker-roasted coffee. Without straying from the style we sought to offer, we had to slightly adjust our approach. This led to a menu that encompasses both exotic, unique flavour profiles and approachable, familiar coffees. As a result, we’ve been able to appeal to big city cafes and coffee nerds, without leaving our community behind. This created a coffee culture that is a reflection of Fernie, and that has been immensely rewarding.
Why HOLM? – HO-LM is a made up term meaning HOme & La Maison which sits at the core of our business. Izzy from Quebec, and Simon from England with Revelstoke being our home.
Over the last few years, we both have been striving to do something for ourselves, something that sustains us living in beautiful BC, allows us to stay connected to the community and the things we love. That something turned into HOLM Coffee Co.
HOLM as a brand is a reflection of who we are in our personal lives and the skills we’ve picked up from years in the cocktail and wine industry. We believe this mix has allowed us to create a cozy and open space in which to learn and drink some delicious coffee in. Our thirst for knowledge the last 3 years has given us the upmost respect for coffee and it’s origins and we will carry that respect with us throughout this business, keeping the important things serious, but not too much ourselves.
I am Pauline, the owner of Pauline’s French Macarons.
I am from France (Alps) and moved to Canada in 2006. I started baking because I missed the great pastries from back home even though I enjoyed my new Canadian lifestyle.
I started Pauline’s French Macarons in 2014 in Golden, with the goal of sharing my passion for fine pastries. I discovered the challenge and joy of baking with French Macarons and very quickly I expanded to more French specialties.
I now offer a variety of pastries, birthday cakes, wedding cakes, and treats for all occasions.
Golden Microgreens is a small-scale organic farm situated just 5 minutes south of town in the hamlet of Nicholson. Our focus is on regenerative agriculture methods to provide the restaurant community with fresh nutrient dense foods. We make sure to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum by using no till methods, cover-cropping, inter-planting and strictly using organic compost and soil amendments. BGF is also home of the local feed store, providing the homesteading and farming community with all their feed needs for their livestock: from backyard chickens to bison!
The microgreens program at Golden Microgreens has been growing for over 3 years now and we are proud to partner up with Ethos Café, delivering a wide range of micronutrients, vitamins and polyphenols such as sulforaphane, associated with reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease as well as reducing inflammation and cholesterol.
Community, Sustainability, reduced food miles and increased health are our main goals!
Thank you for supporting your local farmer.
Mushroom Will is a purveyor of fine, Golden Grown gourmet mushrooms and medicinal mushrooms. Grown on hardwood sawdust from Quebec, these mushrooms have the best flavor profile you can get! Why would I do this? Because local food matters and food security is important!
I’m Mushroom Will, I’m local, I’ve spent the last 32 years in Golden BC. My small mushroom farm operates 12 months of the year, with daily harvests and of course daily maintenance required. I chose mushrooms to farm because of lack of a land base to farm conventionally. I’m a farmers kid still farming. Once I started researching mushrooms, I soon found that mushrooms have a similar protein value to meat. And as a bonus, almost all mushrooms have medicinal benefits! The mushrooms commonly sold in grocery stores unfortunately don’t have much for medicinal benefits but everything I grow has medicinal benefits and tastes out of this world!
I started growing mushrooms about 15 years ago but moved to growing them full time as a commercial venture in late 2019. Pandemic was not kind to us farmers, but it gave me time to develop and learn the best ways to grow mushrooms. Each mushroom has it’s own requirements, both environmental and substrate which is the term used for mushroom food.
I use no chemicals in my farm, cleaning is done with hydrogen peroxide, soap, isopropyl alcohol or vinegar.
It is not sustainable for nearly 8 billion humans to continue to eat any creature that moves on this planet.
Mushrooms I grow? I grow 7 kinds of oysters, 3 kinds of lions mane, shitake, maitake, reishi, turkey tail, psilocybe and Cordyceps Militaris, the most medicinal cultivated mushroom, in the world, also the hardest to grow. I sell mushrooms fresh, dehydrated, powdered, pickled, and the medicinals, I produce in capsules and tinctures as well.
You can find my mushrooms used at Ethos Café in Golden and at Kindle restaurant, Heather Mountain Lodge by arguably the best chef around, Stephen Drolet.
You can reach me by email at wcreno@gmail.com if you put mushroom in the header you won’t go to spam.
Also, you can text me at 250 344 0725.
Saving the world one mushroom at a time!
Bean-to-bar is a craft chocolate-making movement that celebrates the cacao and treats it like gold (as did the Mesoamericans). There is a belief that Theobroma Cacao is a goddess plant, and bears fruit that reflects the soil, topography and the climate in which it is grown.
RIVA chocolate strives to honor the amazing natural flavors and complexities of the cocoa beans (featuring cocoa profiles from Vietnam, Nicaragua, Peru, Mexico, Honduras and more).
I believe that creating something magical and sticking to that process, creates a product you can stand by, knowing that no corners are cut.
Elevation is never rushed and is fermented for many weeks, ending up with a kombucha that is very rich in good bacteria and acids, causing a probiotic function that hugely benefits good gut health.
I have put so much love and passion into creating some of my most flavorful creations, all with natural ingredients from Mother Nature.
I feel very privileged to be living in the beautiful Mountains of BC and very happy to offer you a traditional, tasty, raw, unpasteurized, living beverage available year round.
Taste the difference, feel the difference!
Elevation Kombucha is located in the mountains of Kimberley BC.